Recent Design Firm Logos
Company Logo Design
Design firm logos are essential
Below are some examples of design firm logo that we have created recently from scratch for our clients in the design sector. Please remember, your design firm logo will be completely unique to your business. These real examples are just to give you an idea of the quality you can expect. You can change to view examples from a different industry by using the drop down menu.

Logo Packages
Logo Only
- 5 Logo Designers
- 5 Concepts
- Unlimited Redraws
- Unlimited Revisions
- Money-Back Guarantee
- Copyright Transfer
Logo + Matched Stationery
- Logo Only Package
- + Business Card Design
- + Letterhead Design
- + Envelope Design
Logo + Matched Stationery + 500 Business Cards
- Logo + Matched Stationery Package
- + 500 Business Cards
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Design Firm Logo Explained
Designers know that image is everything. Their creative industry is all about visual representations, so the design company logo comes under close scrutiny. How a creative business presents itself through its design firm logo gives potential clients an indication of how the firm would represent them. That makes it crucial for design firms to get it right. When is a good time for a new graphic logo for the firm? Good time for a new graphic logo
Create the Right Identity with a smashing design firm logo
The design industry is an artistic one. However you will not find many firm logos featuring pens, pencils, and other graphic tools. These images appear tired. More over, do not reflect the modern nature of graphic design, which depends more on digital technology.
That does not mean you will see many design firm logo featuring computers, either. Instead, most design firms rely on abstract imagery. To carve out their own unique corporate identities. Consider Australian boutique design firm Bluebird Creative, whose logo incorporates three images, depicting a piece of paper being folded origami-style into a bird shape. This novel logo recalls the nature of design work through the use of paper. More importantly, also references the company’s avian inspired name. Seattle-based graphic design firm GregWalters+Design takes a minimalist approach with its design firm logo. Featuring a lime green circle and the company’s monogram “g w + d.” Graphic creativity
Be very creative when creating your design firm logo
Above all, there are no real rules when it comes to creating logos for firms. Furthermore, firms in this industry can afford to get creative in establishing their brand. However, it is important that the firm logo accurately reflects the company’s corporate image. Bluebird Creative’s logo shows the company is playful, an image which suits its quirky clientele of fashion stores, restaurants, and wineries. GregWalters+Design’s logo, on the other hand, presents a much more serious corporate face, befitting its impressive roster of Fortune 1000 companies. Use your creativity and find words for your business with Thesaurus
It is worth noting that like GregWalters+Design, many design firms logo prefer to craft a logo around their company name and avoid other graphic elements altogether. This approach puts the design firm’s name in the spotlight. Moore importantly, ensures potential clients are not distracted by additional elements. It isrisky, as the name is not reinforced by a visual element, but when done well, the effect is striking. Brand package with effect
Choose the Right Colors of course
Many industries have obvious colors associated with them. For example, we typically see red in fast food advertising because it stimulates hunger. However big firm logo designs tend to use calm and confident blue. Unlike those industries, the design field does not have any obvious color preferences. This gives designers more creative freedom to make their own rules. However, they should still consider the psychology behind colors to ensure they pick the right ones to represent their design studio.
Many logos fro firms prominently feature the color black because it is so dominant and strong. In fact, it is the only color in many logos, including the logos of Minneapolis design firm Modern Climate. Another example is Californian design house Brandchef. Logos for firms that are all or mostly black also have the advantage of reproducing well in full color or grayscale. So they are incredibly versatile.
Logos for firms are clearer and trustworthy in blue
Blue is another popular choice, as it evokes trust and confidence. It is the color most associated with business, so it can appear a little stuffy if it is not used correctly, but it does represent design firms as stable and adept at solving problems. Florida’s Wake Interactive uses a soothing shade of blue to emphasize the name “Wake” and the graphic diamond elements of its logo. A bright turquoise blue helps Canadian design firm Teehan+Lax’s white name pop in its logo. The company uses the bold color throughout its marketing to present a youthful corporate image.
Red is one of the most popular logos for firms colors, so it is not surprising to see it incorporated in many design for company logo design. However, due to its intensity, it is best to use in moderation as an attention-grabbing feature rather than the main attraction. New York’s Zen Design firm has used it in the center of its logo’s concentric circles. Californian graphic design firm AdamsMorioka also uses red to accent the word “Adams” and the star above the “i.”
Strip away color to make your design firm logo clearer
Whatever colors you choose, it is important to remember that your logo design should not hinge on them. It is not uncommon to strip away color from a logo when it appears in a variety of formats, so your logo should work in both grayscale and full color. Your company’s message should not disappear when your logo’s color does.
Incorporate Sans Serif Typefaces
Sans serif typefaces dominate logos in the design industry, and with good reason. These minimalist types appear much more modern than their serif counterparts, so design companies that use them seem cutting edge and full of fresh ideas. They are also much cleaner than serif types, so they are very readable whether they are pixelated on a webpage or shrunken down on a business card or invoice.
It might be tempting to choose a serif typeface to separate your design firm from the competition. However, there are better ways to present a unique identity. Serif types appear traditional, almost old-fashioned. They work well for financial institutions and universities that want to emphasize history and security, but they are generally less effective for design firms that wish to be seen as innovative. Graphic super fonts Decorative graphic fonts
That does not mean that this rule cannot be broken by a skilled logo designer. Serif fonts are eye-catching if they are given a creative twist, like the logo for Wonderful Union. This Seattle design agency proudly uses a distinctive serif font logo, which connects the “n” in “wonderful” with the “u” in “union.”
Why pick us?
Design firms generally have experience designing logos for firms and clients, but that does not mean that they should take on their own. The Logo Company can handpick a team of at least five designers skilled in crafting logos for the creative industry in your preferred style. We have the objectivity necessary to create a range of exciting custom logo design concepts to best represent your firm in just three working days. Designing your brand