Lovely logos makes the wold a better place
Love logos are for many couples and star-crossed lovers, Valentine’s Day. A time of great enjoyment and excitement. Lovely logos own designers and marketers are especially aware of what attracts consumers to products during this time. By mixing elements, colors, and typography associated with love logos. This day of hugs and kisses can considerably increase the ROI of their sales and marketing efforts. Love logos sell products so you should get one.
If you’re looking for ways to incorporate Valentine’s Day’s general theme with your company’s lovely logo, or if you’re marketing a specific product with it in mind, consider the following three stages of design and development.

Elements of Love Logos
When designing your lovely logos using a Valentine’s Day theme you’ll want to use specific elements that your potential customers like and grab their attention. Of course, one of the most popular elements incorporated in these types of love logos is a heart.
You might also want to use an element like cupid’s arrowhead or a part of the human anatomy. Either way, you want to choose an element that symbolizes love, gentleness, and passion.
Let’s examine Pampers, for example. Pampers is a brand of baby products that includes items like diapers. Its slogan reads, “love, sleep & play.” Although Pampers isn’t directly associated with Valentine’s Day, it certainly has benefitted from some of the common themes associated with this holiday, like the word “love” and the heart drawn in its logo. In appealing to parents who love their children, Pampers markets itself as a brand that’s gentle enough for your kids.
With a few small changes, these specific concepts can put into your own Valentine’s Day logo.
Colors of Lovely Logos
The three colors commonly associated with Valentine’s Day include red, pink, and white. There are psychological reasons these colors are popular during this holiday, and it’s important to know why they’re prevalent when designing and developing your own lovely logos.
Red represents physical courage, warmth, strength, energy, stimulation, and excitement. It’s a powerful color, even though it isn’t the most visible (technically speaking). What makes red such an effective color is that it appears closer than it is, grabbing people’s attention first. Think about it!. Stop signs, website buttons, fast food restaurants, and women’s makeup products all feature this color. And there’s a reason for that. It stimulates consumers, raising their heart rates and giving them the impression that time is passing faster than it actually is. Read all about the power of the color red
Love, femininity and sexuality
Pink represents physical tranquility, warmth, nurture, love, femininity, and sexuality (no wonder it’s associated with Valentine’s Day). Although pink also affects consumers physically much like red does — it’s a tint of it, after all — it’s soothing instead of stimulating. Psychologically speaking, pink is such a powerful color that it can be physically draining if someone is overexposed to it. Combining it with red makes for perfect marketing for love logos, especially during Valentine’s Day.
White represents sterility, hygiene, clarity, cleanness, purity, simplicity, efficiency, and sophistication: making it the perfect color in lovely logos to complete the trio for the Valentine’s Day theme. When you include it visually within a logo design, it provides a heightened perception of space and makes warm colors, like red and pink, look and feel more vivid. Color trends
As you can tell, when you get your love logos designed using the Valentine’s Day themed colors, you’re going to wake certain feelings in consumers’ minds that will attract them to your brand, product, and service. Furthermore, this marketing technique, especially in February, could mean the difference between increased sales or ones that plummet. Get marketing material as well – marketing design
Typography of Your Logo
If you think your logo design and development stops with adding elements and colors, think again. Another factor of your lovely logos that impacts consumers psychologically is the typeface you choose.
Much like people have feelings and thoughts associated to certain colors, they have similar emotional responses to typefaces and fonts. It’s important that you pick the right typeface and font so that you showcase your company the right way.
The first aspect of typography you’ll want to take into account is whether you want a sans-serif or serif typeface. If you want your company’s logo to be more traditional, you’ll want to use a serif typeface. Besides, if you want your company’s logo to be more modern, you’ll want to use a sans-serif typeface. In regard to Valentine’s Day themes, this part of lovely logos is more flexible, depending on your brand and product or service. Font deconstruction is really good to be aware of.
Furthermore, let’s take a deeper look into the world of typography and the basic psychological meanings.
Show tradition, respect and reliability
Serif typefaces represent tradition, respect, reliability, and comfort. Some of the best serif typefaces include Times New Roman, Trajan, Baskerville, and Georgia Italic.
Sans serif typefaces represent stability, objectivity, and cleanliness. Some of the best sans-serif typefaces include Helvetica Bold, Franklin Gothic, Calibri, and Myriad Italic.
Script fonts represent elegance, affection, and creativity. Some of the best script typefaces include Bickham Script, Edwardian Script, and Lavanderia.
Modern fonts represent strength, progression, and style, and have a “chic” outlook. Some of the best modern typefaces include Futura, ITC Avant Garde Extra Light, Didot Italic, and Century Gothic.
Display fonts represent friendliness, uniqueness, expression, and amusement. Some of the best display typefaces include Cooper, Spaceage Round, Valencia, and Giddyup.
Look at fonts and other love logos to see which typefaces immediately catch your attention before selecting one for your company logo.
Get Help from the Pros with Your branding for Valentine’s Day
Designing and developing a company logo that uses the elements, colors, and typography found on February 14th can work wonders in attracting consumers to your product or service. Doing so can make a real difference between a successful Valentine’s Day campaign and one that fails. What is Valentine’s day? Who was Valentine and why do we celebrate?
To make the most of your logo, you must add all three elements in order to make it stand out the right way. A heart, a combination or red, pink, and white, and the right typeface will make sure you have the Valentine’s look you’re after. If you’re struggling with designing a Valentine’s Day logo, contact The Logo Company so we can help with your designing process.