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Logo Design
Below are some examples of photography logo design we have created from scratch for our clients in the photography sector. Please remember, your logo will be completely unique to your business. These real examples are just to give you an idea of the quality you can expect. You can change to view examples from a different industry by using the drop down menu.

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Logo Only
- 5 Logo Designers
- 5 Concepts
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Logo + Matched Stationery
- Logo Only Package
- + Business Card Design
- + Letterhead Design
- + Envelope Design
Logo + Matched Stationery + 500 Business Cards
- Logo + Matched Stationery Package
- + 500 Business Cards
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Photography Logo Design Explained
First of all, photography logo design can offer the world a snapshot of a photographic company or individual photographer’s name and brand. Therefore, choosing a logo requires consideration of the specific niche you serve and the emotions connected to that niche. In the case of photography, of course, there is a wide range of emotions.
So, here is an overview of how logos for photographers relate to this industry. Read on to discover the typical typography. More about colors for this niche as well as why photography logo design are important for this sector.
Why Logos For Photographers Matter
Above all, photography logo design can establish and reinforce your brand. For instance, your brand needs to convey a particular emotion so that you can tap into the ethos of your target audience. Furthermore match your service with a related emotion. Conveying that emotion through your branding and logo. So, doing this creates a desire in potential customers to satisfy their emotional response to your logo. Meaning people will use your services when they want photographs taken. After all, creating a strong brand through the creation of an appropriate photography log design builds a foundation for your business’s success.
To understand this better, let’s look at an example of how logos for photographers relate to generating demand. More importantly, a photographer offers sessions centered on the expectant mother’s growing belly. Perhaps even provides new moms the opportunity to capture moments with their newborns. In this specific case, the photography logo design needs to have a look that conjures up emotions tied to that special time in a family’s life.
For instance, the logo in this example should use soft colors, typography with minor flourishes, and simple imagery related to babies. When expectant parents see this photography logo design, it touches them on an emotional level. As well as creating a desire to capture this extraordinary time in their lives by using your company. So, that is why your logo is one of the most important branding tools in your marketing toolbox.
How to Choose Typography and Colors
First of all, interdisciplinary research shows that colors evoke particular emotions in people. Perhaps because of their associations with the colorful objects that surround them. For example, someone who loves the beach may choose to paint their bedroom blue or green. Mostly, to conjure images of the ocean and tranquility of being at the shore. Furthermore, this connection between colors and emotions makes color choice for your photography logo design important.
Secondly, consider the emotional impact the color red has on a person. After all, this color evokes feelings of passion, love, strength, energy, danger, and power. This is because red is the color of blood, and it’s most commonly represented in graphics with hearts or fire. So, if your business focuses on the boudoir niche, then red is an appropriate color to use for your logo.
Colors And Logos for photographers that specializes in nude images.
Contrarily, red can feel overbearing for some businesses that focus on nude photography. Instead, a nude photographer can opt for creams and browns that evoke the look of skin and the feelings associated with people who are naturally comfortable in their state of undress.
However, using a single color arouses a feeling of coherence to the message you’re trying to convey regarding the pictures you take. However it’s possible to use multiple colors in photography logo design. Certainly, avoid popular color combinations with strong associations to particular objects or times of the year. Furthermore, do not use red and green together, unless your business focuses on Christmas snaps.
Also remember that the typography needs to match the emotional feel of your business. So, if you specialize in weddings, use a formal typography that matches the formality of the occasion. Black and white photographs have a stripped down feel. Typography for this kind of business ought to match that emotion by being simpler. More importantly, typography conveys a sense of professionalism, so use a readable and clean type regardless of how formal it is.
Which Images Work With Photography Logo Design
Famed snapper Alfred Eisenstaedt once said, “It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.” His words capture what your photography logo design must do, – click with people.
For instance, when choosing images for your logo, start by creating a mood board that relates to the type of pictures you take. Including photographs taken by you, your peers, or even graphic designs. Either way, they should come together to create an overall impression of your business. Choose your favorites from the mood board and find the image you want for your photography logo design.
Many photographers, including those whose work is for websites such as iStock. Or to those who run a maternity business on the side, incorporate cameras into their logos for photographers. Furthermore, the use of cameras and lenses is a bit overdone. However, a fresh take on the camera image can make an impression.
For instance, if you capture images of families, consider a playful take on your profession. One company took the common photographer’s phrase, “Say cheese!”. and developed a speech balloon made of cheese for its logo. While clever is memorable, don’t forget that the photography logo design must also build credibility. To allow potential customers will trust your judgement when using your services.
However, if you are struggling to find imagery, consider only using your company’s name underlined or framed. As Images are not mandatory, but they are one important way to build that emotional connection to your brand. As well as to your photography logo, and ultimately, your business.
How to Incorporate Information in Your Photography Logo Design
First of all, your photography logo design needs to include your business trading name. For instance, you can also include the kind of photos you do. Especially if it is not apparent from the company name alone. However, you can include additional text describing your service offerings, like “high dynamic range,” since that is a specific specialty that could attract customers. Remember that, in addition to playing to people’s emotions, your photography logo design needs to convey relevant information. If logos are too abstract in words and tone, they will not attract customers. This company has made it very obvious what they do Sanctuary nature foundation photography
Let’s look at former journalist and author Al Tompkins said that people remember what they feel longer than they remember facts and figures. Above all, your unique logo is the place where emotion meets facts (the name and focus of your business). Furthermore do embrace this opportunity to create a memorable photography logo design for your company. Most importantly, one that digs deep into the hearts of everyone who sees it.
In conclusion, make sure you work with a professional design team like The Logo Company, that understands what it takes to design a successful logo for a creative business. Within three working days, you should be looking at the basis of your new logo design.