Don't give up on your dreams and finish your logo design projects

I often wonder why customers come to me, buy a logo design for 199 dollars and never actually finish their logo design project. As you can probably understand, it makes no sense to me. Why would you fill out a brief, laying out your heart and your soul for a better life in the future, and then never come back? In this blog I will try to reason with myself mostly to see if I can make sense of it.
After all, I am here to create the best looking logo design that can be the start of a new life for you. Since I am guessing that to start your own company is the main reason you want a logo.
A few reasons why logo design projects just comes to a standstill.
Here are a few reasons I believe could explain why you did not finish your logo design project.
- Lack of time
- Lack of inspiration
- Not following your dream anymore because of fear or other
- Life gets in the way
- You forgot
Lack of time to finish your logo projects
1. Lack of time. Yes, I know that can be a difficult one. However, if you are truly committed to starting your own company and trying to get out of your boring job then you need to make time. Prioritize right. Its daunting to sit down and think about what it is you want in life. A logo design project is also daunting as it is the beginning of you letting go of what you used to be and finally becoming who you really are. Right? I have been there and know what it is like to have one foot in every job. One job you need to pay your bills and one where working does not feel like “work”. Every hour you have to work on your own company goes by so fast.
After all, you know you have picked the right dream if the hours go by quickly as you enjoy developing your product or service. You are in the wrong job if looking at your clock, sitting in boring meetings and seeing your co-workers are the highlight of you day. Lack of time is one reason you did not continue your logo design project, however, you can make time. Its not enough to fill me in on your dreams and what you really want to do in life, your purpose, to just leave me and never contact me again. I fail to create your dream logo then.
Your logo design projects lacks inspiration
2. Lack of inspiration. Perhaps you just came to my site, loved it and thought, yes I am going to have The Logo Company create a terrific logo for me and finally get my small start- up company going, and that was it. Inspiration gone.. I have many many inspirational logos in my portfolio from previous dreamers just like you. Surely, that is inspiration enough. If you need me to suggest different designs, shapes, colors and fonts then ask me.
I am good at graphic design and my team can usually tap into what logo design customers want given a small hint but I am awful at guessing in total darkness. If you need more inspiration, then go outside. Look at natures colors, breath some air or go for a run. Inspirations to finish your logo design project and get going on a new road in life is out there. You just have to go for it. Spiritual logo design is found within. You are your own guide after all.
Your logo design projects stop because you are no longer following your dreams.
3. Not following your dreams. after all. Fear to fail. So, you order a logo design, sign up, send in the project brief, pay for your logo and then you get scared. Afraid no one will like your idea perhaps? Well. I will not laugh. I have never had anyone send me their ideas and then thought …hell no what a foolish idea. Never. Your fears are all in you. Let go and follow your dreams. Your intuition to start this logo design project is the right one. There is nothing you will regret about it, as you only regret things you dint do. Make a solid business plan to start off and don’t worry so much. “ You will be just fine”. Money comes and money goes. You will have exactly what you need, when you need it.
Life gets in the way – another dream stopper for any logo projects
4. Life gets in the way. Yes it can be as simple as that, we all have dark days as well. Kids get sick, we lose our jobs, get divorced etc.. just anything really and it keeps us from realising our dream to finally break free and start your own successful company. Life can sometimes put obstacles in your way. You think you won’t make it and then you stop developing your project. You stop telling me your dreams and no more revisions are made to your logo design project. It just sits there and waits for you. yes you!! Its soul. Perhaps you are suffering from never finishing anything syndrome
You are the only one that can breathe life into your logo design project again to keep it going. Yes I know things are happening all around you. I get it. However, please go on. Keep at it. Make your business plan clearer. Your goals more real. Put a mark into the calendar on the day that you want to be able to live fully off your own company. You don’t want to go to work and sit in that cage anymore. You want to be your own woman/man. Life can be dark but like I said previously, the light does not exist without the darkness. We need both to become who we truly are. A loved creature.
You were meant to succeed so get back into that saddle and continue the logo design project with me. I am waiting here for you. My professional logo designers are ready to take on your next revision request. Do send me inspirational images from the webb, send an attachment. Perhaps show me the fonts you like.
You Simply Forgot about your dreams and your logo projects
5. You forgot about your dreams and therefore your logo design project? How could you? I know its easy to just forget. To be so run down by life that the dream seems impossible. However I want to tell you please go for it. The only thing stopping you is you. Take a moment. Get back into your logo design project. Take a few deep breaths and see what comes to your mind.
Perhaps take another look at our process.. realize that you have unlimited revisions so you can easily try different looks, colors, shapes and fonts. After all you are not limited by anything apart from your own imagination. I often tell people to send me an image of something they feel inspired by. Perhaps a drawing they have made themselves.
Take a look around the web for fonts, shapes, colors if you need to inspiration for your logo design project.
Furthermore I also suggest taking a look at dafont to see if you like anything there. How you visualise your dream logo design is sometimes not easy for me to guess. However we have become excellent mind readers. Don’t worry about sounding silly in your revision requests. I am not judging you in any way, shape or form. Tell me what your gut feeling is and I will see it and create it for you.
Then money back guarantee is there to protect you from taking any risks when it comes to your logo design project. In fact Id rather give you your money back than you giving me a bad review and not communicating with me.
All our testimonials we have worked extremely hard for and I get so disappointed when someone (very rarely) puts a 1 star review and has not even tried to communicate with me. I mean Im at home ringing my little golden bell, thinking I’m creating a logo design for your soul but in fact you are unhappy with me. I can’t stand that.
Conclusion – come back !
6. In conclusion I would like to say “Get back into it” Get back into your logo design project and let me know what you think. Login to my easy portal and continue where you left off. Life is now and you still have things to do to realize your dreams. Starting your own business is not that hard. Sure you will have challenges but you are not selling your time to someone else.
To be in charge of your own destiny is important. I love being independent and the boss of my own time. Working does not feel like working its just part of who I am. My daughters know that they can always ask me anything even Im at home working on sending out final files in different formats, talking to customers online, updating a blog, paying bills, talking about content strategies for next month etc etc. The thing with working from home is that I am always available for the people that I love the most, surely you must want that too? Check out some people that realised their dreams with us New York finished logo designs
“If you with courage and love follow your heart, then your leadership can never go wrong“