Lights, Camera, Action! Directing Your Own Film Business

Film directing business !

Most of all, becoming a director can look very glamorous. Between throwing film viewing parties and everyone seeing your name roll through movie credits, you may feel inspired to start a film direction business. However, there is a lot of hard work involved to be a successful director.

Film directing business is a great start your own business but it takes time, skills and connections. Two men directing a film in the making

First of all, you will need to think about what genre you would be good at directing. Secondly, you also must be prepared to work with a lot of people throughout the day and to work long hours. Finally, if you think these are challenges you can handle, then it’s time to develop your branding and marketing strategies for your film directing business!


Being Unique When Starting Your Own Film Directing Business

Most of all, one of the most important aspects of being successful in the film directing business is having a unique voice. For instance, many popular genres in the film industry can become stale. In other words, movie-goers are seeing the same types of films over and over again. As a film director that is new to the field, your style of film has to be considered a “breath of fresh air.” Most importantly, there are multiple ways to create a unique voice in your work.

First of all, you may not choose to work with a specific style of actors and actresses in your film directing business. Instead, you may deliver a specific continuing message in each film you direct. Perhaps you can include a recognizable plot or twist within your films.


Go Big or Small Film 

As a director that is new to the film industry, your film directing production will likely be on a small scale. Therefore, this means you will have a tight budget. Most of all, you may need to make some sacrifices throughout the production of your film to meet this budget. However, when your business begins to see growth, you will have to decide between staying on a small scale or escalating to a larger scale production.

Furthermore, with larger budgets, you may invest in more use of special effects or better locations. On the other hand, your film directing business on a small-scale production values, may become a part of your unique style of directing. After all, this will be a decision that will have to be made carefully about your film business.

A man sitting on the film makers chair. To start your own film directing business is not easy but not impossible.


More so, being a director involves much more than shouting “lights, camera, action!” Firstly, you must work from multiple angles to convey the message you want to deliver through your film. More importantly, working closely with your actors and film crew will be very important in your film directing business. The smaller your cast and production team is, the easier this will be. However, having a larger staff means you can focus more solely on your film direction rather than managing other aspects of your film.


Branding Strategy for Film Business Directors

Furthermore, being intimately involved with the filming process is a part of your branding strategy. Therefore, take the time to get to know your actors on a personal level. Perhaps spend time on and off set with them. After all, this will make it easier for your actors to develop their characters. Furthermore, it also ensures your film directing business is being portrayed as you want it to be. Bringing the entire crew is on the same page.


Finally, you will also want to create relationships with anyone on your staff. From wardrobe to filming staff, it’s important to communicate clearly with everyone involved.


Being in Charge in Your Film Directing Business

Understandably, the larger your production value is, the more responsibilities you will have to delegate as a film director. However, this has pros and cons involved. First of all, the pro in this situation is that you will be individually responsible for less work. Therefore you can focus your attention on building your brand as a director in your film business. However, the con in this situation is it is easier for communication to get skewed. Just like playing a game of Telephone, the more people that are involved, the more likely the final message delivered will be different from what you originally wanted.


Most of all, put careful consideration into delegating responsibilities amongst your film crew. Remembering that the more effort you put into this step, the better results you will see in your film directing business.


A significant and perhaps obvious part of your branding strategy is the type of film you produce! Understanding what genre are you most interested in? Furthermore, will you cover multiple genres in your film business? Many film directors stick to one genre or style of film that they specialize in when the start their own business. I recommend, however, is to do what you know and what you’re good at.


Marketing Strategy for Film Directors

Above all, creating a name and logo for your film directing business! After all, as a film director, you may choose to use only your name as the business name. However, a entertainment logo is just as important. Seeing as you can use this logo on your business cards and any other type of advertising you intend to utilize. When you  start your own business, your film directing logo may include imagery that reflects the genre of your films. Perhaps like these robot logos

Film making business is not for everyone and it takes a lot of clever branding and marketing. A man and a woman looking intensively at the cameraman.


Exposure in the Film Business Directing Field

Most importantly, one of the best ways to market your film business is to enter film festivals. For instance, this can be either local or national festivals. Perhaps enter as many as you can. More so, film festivals can be a challenging thing to be accepted into. However, the more festivals you apply to be featured in, the better chances you have of being chosen to participate! After all, this will be one of the most effective ways to be noticed in the film industry.


Furthermore, not limited to film festivals, but equally as important, is to network with other directors and professionals in the film directing business. Perhaps, meet with directors to discuss strategies or even ask for advice as a new director. Networking with other professionals when starting your own business will lead to connections you can use as your business grows. Therefore, this is a great way to meet film production team members, camera operators, and other integral people in the film directing business.



Last few words, starting a film directing business is not an easy feat. There are many components to growing any successful business. Above all, the film industry is so large and vast, and it will be a challenge to leave your mark on it. With a carefully thought out branding strategy and marketing strategy, you can be a successful director.

Through your work, you will develop a recognizable voice and message in your films. Above all, once you have your foot in the door, you can implement your strategies to have a successful business! Check out one of our happy customers in the film making business. BLP Productions

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