Making Phone Calls: Rebranding and Marketing Your Telecom Company

So you are thinking of rebranding your telecom company? Well, do read on. Not many telecom companies are opening up these days. The field seems to have been dwarfed by traditional giants like AT&T. With that said, these businesses still exist and need to get some good publicity in order to draw in new clients. A rebranding your telecom process will do the trick.

This consists of getting a new logo, possibly putting on an event, and then sending out as many press releases, social media updates, and other positive publicity-gaining things as possible. The end result will get your company some much-needed attention.

A woman on the phone, advising a customer how to rebrand your telecom company


Putting the First Pieces into Place

So, the very first steps in any rebranding your telecom company involve finding your target market, then coming up with reasons why you want to rebrand. Just simply stating that you want to isn’t enough. You’ll also need to start planning your rebranding event. This might consist of giving out discounts to new customers or throwing a small party for some of your loyal clients. It all depends on how large your company is and whether or not your customers are located in the same general area. Not sure if you want to rebrand or just refresh a brand’s image? Get more tips from us. 


Determine Your Telecom Company Customers

Let’s start with determining your target market, as this sets the tone for everything that’s to come. A telecom company target market consists of the people that you want to become your customers. How old are they? Which economic group do they fit into? Are they male or female? Answering these questions will help you with this part of the process.


For example, if you’re targeting a younger population, then your marketing efforts will include things like social media. If you want older adults, then you’ll probably have to create some television and radio commercials. There are quite a few components involved in this part of the process.


Next, you need to come up with a reason for the rebranding your telecom company. Has your company hit a notable milestone? Is it nearing its 50th anniversary? Or do you simply want to update your logo, because it no longer illustrates what your company has to offer? If you started out with standard phone lines and now offered cell phone service, that’s a good reason to modernize your logo and materials.


The Next Part of the Process Rebranding Your Telecom Company

After you’ve answered all of those questions, it’s time to start putting things into motion. This all starts with the new telecom logo, then moves on to a new website (or overhauled old website) and ends with a marketing plan. Let’s start with the logo.


Of course, your new telecom company logo has to reflect what your business does (telecom, for the record) and since you already have one in place, you just need to update it a bit. You shouldn’t make any drastic changes, as they can turn off your existing customers. In fact, people need that bit of brand recognition. However, you can overhaul the colors, modernize the overall design, and make some other small changed. Just enough to make the entire logo look brand new.


Update Your  Telecom Company Website 

Even it might be expensive, you also need to update your website. This can’t happen until your new logo is finalized, as your new website will use those same colors, as well as the logo itself. Why do you need to update your website? Well, since this is a rebranding process, it’s important to make every component of your business look new. You need to update the website, any logos on your business signs, and even your employee’s business cards.


Everything needs to be updated. You can even redecorate your offices if you feel like it. You’d be surprised at how far you can take things.


Finally, you need a marketing plan to rebrand your telecom company. This is the last part of the rebranding plans. You need to find a way to get attention for your new logo. Start by coming up with ways to reach your target market, but at the same time, don’t forget that your existing (loyal) clients will need to be made aware of your new logo as well.


You don’t want to lose any clients by changing things and not informing them. Your marketing plan should include everything from press releases to media interviews and even social media posts. Every aspect needs to be thought through fully. This case study is a good example of how rebranding your telecom company can be a success. 

A woman speaking on the phone with a customer. Rebranding your telecom company requires experienced staff


Completing the Rebranding Your Telecom Process

Now, it’s time to complete the process. This consists of sending out those press releases, hosting your rebranding event (or offering discounts, whichever you choose) and then celebrating your new success. Every press release that you send out needs to be written specifically for the media outlet that’s receiving it. General ones rarely get the attention that they deserve.


Make it clear that you have people in your company who are ready and willing to be interviewed about the rebranding. These press releases should be accompanied by blog posts, social media updates, and even teaser reveals your new logo. They also need to include information about your rebranding your telecom company event. People need to know about it, no matter what it consists of.


The rebranding your telecom business event itself also needs to be covered. Suggestions include creating a special hashtag for it or live streaming the party (if you throw one.) These will bring in additional attention and make it obvious that you’re going out of your way to do something special for your customers, both old and new. 


All that it takes is one trending hashtag or post to bring in hundreds, if not thousands, of new clients. Hopefully, your event ends up being a success, thanks to all of your efforts.



As you can see, there’s quite a bit involved in rebranding your telecom company. Every step is important, as they build on each other. You can’t plan your advertising without knowing your target market, and you can’t rebrand successfully without some advertising. All of this is fairly time-consuming, so you should consider putting a rebranding team together to focus on it. You might have to hire some expert publicists for the event.


No matter how it all comes together, what matters is that you end up getting plenty of attention for your business. Make sure that it’s positive attention.

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