Now that’s A Catchy Tune! How to Start A Music Studio

Too start a music studio can be challenging but with these tips I think you can make it. Firstirs of all, music studios are places where albums are recorded. Musicians come in, work with producers, and take care of everything from writing to recording the songs. Many of these well-known studios have reached iconic status, as they’re known as places where legends were born.

With that said, there are many smaller, less well-known music studios that have plenty of business. Where people started their music studio and just want to remain a small business. Local bands need to record somewhere, and even with the advent of iPad apps that allow them to create songs, they still need a proper studio place to do the actual recording.

If you want to start a music studio, then there are a certain number of steps that need to be followed. Let’s go through them now.

A music studio with a keyboard


Start a A Music Studio to Share Your Love of Music

The main reason behind starting a music studio is because you love music. Even if you don’t play an instrument, you might still be able to discern a catchy hook or know when something will be a hit. Some people just have an ear for those things. However, many music studio owners were musicians at some point in their lives. 


They still instruments, just not for a living . Unless they join in on some of those recordings as session musicians. If you fall into either of these categories – you have an ear for the business or want to play music still (just not on stage – then it makes sense to open up a music studio. You’ll have plenty of fun running your music studio business and may even end up as the guiding hand behind hit songs that end up on the radio.


Find a good music studio location 

Before you find a studio space and begin hunting for a business name, you’ll need to make some connections with the music industry. This can be done by frequenting small clubs with local live acts and introducing yourself.


Why do this? Well, you’ll need to find some session musicians that can help record songs for you, and you’ll need to drum up some business. Those local bands might be your first customers. After you’ve made these connections, it’s time to get started.


Getting Your Music Studio Business Off the Ground

Before you can take the next steps and actually open your music studio, you first need to name it. This is a process that might take some time, because if you produce something iconic, then it will essentially live on forever. For example, think of Abbey Road Studios, where music by Pink Floyd, the Beatles, and other legendary bands was recorded. There’s always the possibility that your business will take off and people will always remember your studio. No pressure!


If you’re looking for name inspiration, then consider the street that your studio is located on (and yes, you’ll need a physical location), any nearby landmarks or even the nickname of the part of town that you’re studio is in.


Logos For Music Companies

There are many options, even if your first business location is a small music studio set up in the basement of your home. Once you have the name picked out, it’s time to design a music logo. You need one that explains what your business does in a single glance.


A pair of headphones on top of a piano in a music studio

Take a look at our portfolio for inspiration Obviously, your studio’s name should be prominent, but you can also include some imagery, especially if you took the name from a local landmark.

Since it’s a fairly non-traditional business, you can have some fun with the font and color choices, although you don’t want to go too crazy, since you still need to be taken seriously. Logos for music companies will be used on many different marketing materials, from your exterior sign to your website.

It might also show up on the copies of any albums recorded within its walls. For that reason alone, you need to choose one that you love. You’ll be seeing it around for quite some time.

Marketing Your Studio

Now that you’ve chosen a name for your studio and have an elaborate logo design, it’s time to start marketing your business. The first step is your website. You’ll need a well-designed site complete with information about where your studio is located and what you do.


Once you get some paying customers, you can list them on it as well. Your website might be pretty simple at first, but as long as your contact information is prominently listed on it, then it’s good to go.

You can always expand it later once you have some recorded music to boast about. Your social media accounts should be linked to your website as well, and if you want to, you can start a blog that explains more about the music. “Day in the life of” posts are good as well. They’ll bring in some readers who might become customers.

Be Active on Social Media Channels

Let’s go back to social media, however. You’ll need a YouTube account, as well as Twitter and Facebook as well. Obviously Instagram with it’s many stories and reels.  All of these can spread the word about your music studio and bring in customers. They also create publicity for the bands whose music you’re recording. It’s not the olden days where music was purchased on CDs or records and then heard live at concerts.

Fans want to hear snippets of new songs and will follow the social media accounts of their favorite bands for that very reason. These new methods work far better than any original forms of advertising ever will. Yes, you can place newspaper ads, but you’ll get more of a response through social media.


As you can see, to start a music studio requires a bit more than just a love of music. You need to know how to get clients, be able to update your business’ social media accounts and have an ear for the business. Check out another similar industry like dance studio logo ideas to compare what you should and should not do. Although not many bands make it big (as in worldwide) there are always plenty of local ones looking for a place to record their albums. You should have a steady stream of customers waiting for studio time if you do everything right. More tips on how to legally start an LLC can be read here. 

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