Blogging: How to Attract More Traffic to Your Travel Site

Travel sites needs to be attractive.

Everyone dreams of traveling the world and it has become the way that people escape their normal, everyday lives. With so many places to visit and reviews available, it can be a little overwhelming for travelers to find real and honest experiences. As a travel blogger, your purpose is to express give readers a glimpse into your adventures and give them real advice about your experiences. Before they can live vicariously through you, they must be able to visit your site. These are some great tips to follow when trying to attract more traffic to your travel site.


Window with beautiful views over the city. Travel sites need to have attractive photos


The Blogging Boom For Travellers

Blogging has become quite popular in the last decade. There are people out there talking about their experiences in food, travel and fashion. Then, there are the readers who follow them and read all about the excursions. So, if you are trying to gain more attention to your travel site, it would be a good idea to follow other successful blogs like Jessie On A Journey’s blog and see what brings readers to their sites. Pay attention to not only the content, but the way the blogs look. Are the font and spacing pleasing to the eye? Are the images related to the content? Do the bloggers know what they are talking about? These are all very important factors when it comes to building a great travel blog site. You should be mindful in how the information is presented. 


Attract customers to your site with a travel blog

You should also understand that sites use blog pages to attract customers to their sites. For example, a law firm website has a separate page dedicated to blogs only. Consumers may wonder why a law firm would even need a blog site. Typically speaking, all the law site would need is contact information and what their firm can do for clients.


However, when someone types in “finding a lawyer for car accidents” in a web browser’s search engine, it may take the viewer to the law firm’s blog page. This is strategic because now, the viewer can read about these tips he/she was looking for and then already be on a website for a law firm he/she may potentially contact. Thus, keeping the way search engines work and how consumers may find information can increase your chances of having more visitors.


SEO and Travel Websites

Speaking of search engines, there are other methods incorporating these to getting people to visit your site. Through strategic Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can place specific words or phrases within your blogs or website content. When a viewer types those words into a search engine, your website will come up as one of the top hits. Assuming you have chosen popular words and phrases. Thus, you have now gained a new reader simply from the use of internet search strategies.



Analytics and tracking can also help you gauge what is popular versus what attracted less attention. Google offers free analytics software that provides people in marketing the chance to analyze trends. Creating content based on that assessment. It contains features that allow businesses to see how many times a viewer clicks a link and also graphs data in an easy to read format.


Using platforms like this on your website can help you see how you are engaging with your audience. From here, you will be able to adjust accordingly and create content that will bring more readers in, sooner.


Branding Your Travel Website


A woman and a child looking at a old medieval castle ruin. Travel websites have professional photos


The overall aesthetics of your website is just as important as your content. Be sure that your site does not look too busy and that all shapes and sizes are dimensional. Definitely get a travel logo design from a professional logo designer like us at The Logo Company. When something is pleasing to the eye, the viewer will continue to scroll through instead of clicking out of your website. Use pictures that are relevant to your writing and when possible, always use original photos taken on trips. Depending on the kind of travel website you develop make sure to create a logo that really fits into your visions. Like fore example if you have need a hiking logo then make sure you know what hikers like. It provides reality for your viewers rather than seeing the same stock photos on Google all the time.

Make sure your travel website is working properly

Another very important component of having a popular travel blog site is a working website. Sites that contain broken links or advertisements can be unappealing to your readers. They see it as a reflection of your work ethic. If you cannot keep a site going, why should they take the time to read your material? So, schedule maintenance on your site regularly to be sure it is always working and there are no glitches that your readers may potentially run into. Check links that you attach to your site to make sure that they work all the time. They may have worked when you first placed them, but they could be gone later.


Remember, the last thing that every travel site should have is a biography of you. For instance, your content can be about fantastic hotels that you have visited and your site looks beautiful. Yet, if you have no bio, there is no person behind all the art. Therefore, you want to dedicate a small bio of yourself. Mostly so, the readers can get a small idea of who you are and where you come from. Furthermore, you should also have a picture of yourself on that bio. Every readers want to know that there is a real human behind all the blogging and tech stuff. Above all, the more they feel like they can connect with you, the more that you will gain a following.


Two people holding each other on a colorful mountain top. This photo is perfect for a travel website


In conclusion, travellers are people that many regular people look to when needing the best advice and recommendations for destinations. Besides reading reviews, they like to read blogs to give them a true account of the goods. Perhaps also the bad stuff of all these places they want to visit. Sometimes, they really just like reading about bloggers because they are just fans of the writer. Whatever the reasoning is, it is essential for travel bloggers to be mindful. Mostly about how they create their content on travel websites to attract their readers.


Once they have attracted the audience, they also need to keep them engaged. By following some of these simple, travel bloggers can be sure that they will gain more traffic in no time.

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