Making A Splash: Marketing Your Pool and Spa Installation Business

Marketing your Pool And Spa installation business is easy during the summer month

The bad thing about running a pool and spa installation company is that business will be slow during parts of the year. Over the spring and summer when people will be using their pools the most, you’ll have more business than you can handle – if you set up all of your marketing properly. Thankfully, you can use the offseason to put a good marketing plan into place.

It’s all about finding your company’s identity, coming up with a pool branding and marketing plan, and then putting it into action. With a little bit of luck, your pool business will take off during those busy months!

Pool ladder. Lovely gardens in the background. Making this a perfect picture for a pool and spa installation business


Finding Your Pool And Spa Installation Business Identity

Before you can put a marketing plan for your pool and spa installation business into place, you first need to choose a pool logo. If you already have one, then this is a great time to develop another. Rebranding isn’t easy, but it can be done. It might be necessary to rebrand during the offseason, as it will give you an interesting angle for your marketing campaign.


A good unique logo reflects your business identity. Therefore, if your previous one wasn’t cutting it, then it’s definitely time for a new one. Your new logo should contain a number of important elements, including your company’s name (this seems obvious, but it does need to be stated) as well as something that makes your businesses purpose clear. A picture of a pool or spa – or even outlines of them –can be added. All these elements are equally important when marketing your pool and spa installation business.


Since you’re rebranding your pool and spa installation business, you should have a new website put into place as well. Of course, a good website includes your new logo, as well as contact information for your business.


Authentic Pictures Of Your Pool And Spa Installation Business

Furthermore, it also should have a section on the items that you sell. For example, pictures of installed pools, spas, and hot tubs will help quite a bit. These show your future customers just what your business is capable of doing. If you can include some testimonials from past customers, then do so. They’ll add some authenticity to your website and your pool and spa installation business.


Create A Blog For A Pool and Spa installation business

Finally, your website should have a blog. This will give you a place to post information about new models, as well as general tips. For example, you can include cleaning tips, ways to landscape around a pool, and so on. After all, these informative articles will draw in a number of readers who may eventually become customers for your pool and spa installation business.


Developing a Marketing Plan For Your Spa And Pool Installation Business

As part of your rebranding efforts, you’ll need to come up with a marketing plan. For instance, a few press releases, especially those that focus on the rebranding of your pool and spa installation business, can be released to local outlets, such as newspapers.


In fact, targeting people in your geographic location is an important part of any good marketing plan. Since your pool and spa installation business installs pools and spas, both of which are hard to transport, you probably gain most of your customers from cities and town close to you. These are the people that you need to target in your marketing plan.


After you’ve chosen the general locations to target, you then need to decide exactly who your customers are. They more than likely own homes and make enough money to afford a home upgrade. Are they in a general age group? This is probably true as well. Take the time necessary to answer all of these questions, since they’ll help you determine your target market. This is a crucial part of your marketing plan for your pool and spa installation business. Make sake use that your customisers know what kind of pool they want or be sure you explain the different types of pools and cost.


Social Media Profiles

Next, you’ll need to set up your social media profiles. These are must-have, no matter which age group you’re targeting. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all have business-friendly features that allow you to gain followers through the use of hashtags. You can also place ads on them.


For example, in Instagram, once you’ve shared a photo with your followers, you can turn it into an advertisement. This costs money but is an important part of your online advertising plans, which we’ll get into next.


Luxury house with a big pool. Marketing banner for a pool and spa installation business


Putting the Plan into Action

There are three main types of advertising that you set up for your pool and spa business.

These include:

  • Online advertising,
  • Traditional advertising
  • Trade shows.

Let’s start with online ads. You can place some using social media services, as mentioned above. However, you can also place ads on Google.


This means that they’ll appear on websites that are associated with your overall business scheme. These ads will pop up when people do searches using a specific set of terms, such as “inground pool” or “home spa.” If you set the ads to go directly to your website, then you’ll be able to tell which terms are working.


Furthermore, this gives you the chance to adjust them if necessary in order to adjust the audience that you’re bringing in. Some customers might find your business through Google search results, which is why your website needs to contain contact information. These organic results can be quite useful, and they won’t really cost you anything.


Traditional ways of putting your pool and spa installation business word out there

You can also utilize traditional means of advertising. These include

  • Newspapers
  • Local magazines
  • Publications
  • Television and radio commercials.

The cost for these ads depends largely on the size of the publications or the amount of airtime required. In the end, the expense will be worth it if it brings in new clients. Finally, there are trade shows. Trade shows are a great way to show off what you can do.


However, since you don’t actually make the pools and spas pool (you more than likely purchase readymade ones from a manufacturer), it may not have the impact that you. Instead, you need to focus on home and garden shows. These tend to be held in large event spaces in the spring and bring out homeowners – your new customers – in droves.



Marketing a pool and spa installation business starts with a plan. Once you’ve completed your rebranding efforts, you have something to promote besides your business. Who your target market consists of will play a large part in this marketing plan, since you need to get them to hire your company. It’s all about spreading the word. Like for example, being sure to have the best pictures of pools on your site. 

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