Patriotic branding is crucial to know about!.
It may seem unusual, but patriotic themed marketing have become increasingly popular. It is the new way for marketing because it is such a positive and relatable theme. Furthermore, it represents the freedom and rights of Americans. Reminding them of it when businesses use it in their everyday branding strategies. Especially during patriotic holidays such as Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. Using this theme for marketing and branding your business can significantly increase your presence and/or sales. They reveal that you too, are American. Customers would trust to listen to and/or buy from Americans.
Marketing with Patriotic Themes
What is patriotic branding?. For instance, it is the process of looking at what the general public appreciates. What it stands for while capitalizing on it in to market a business’ products. All the red, white and blue you see plastered on any product known to man is marketing with patriotism in mind. Furthermore these colors are symbolic to what America is and represents. You appeal to audiences who are either in the military or simply, the civilian who pays taxes. It is an easy sell because it relates to everyone living in the country. Marketing using patriotism has almost become more “hip” to do as they cater to people of all ages.
However, there are specific ways that businesses will use patriotic themes in marketing strategies. They usually tie it around a specific holiday related to patriotism. They may gear it towards a particular product that targets patriotic customers. Retail stores will hold “Memorial Day” sales because they know that 1. Customers may be off for a 3-day holiday, so they will come shop for products that are on sale.Number 2. Tying the sale to a holiday proclaims that they care about celebrating the holiday in a positive way for their customers. Many manufacturers will market their products as being. “Made in the USA,” in order to appeal to customers who appreciate products made here versus overseas. Even the stickers on the products will come with a picture of an American Flag. To accentuate the message of being American made and American proud.
Marketing value
Mainly because it pertains to almost every single person on the market. Patriotism is important to many citizens of the country. When you relate to the majority of the population and give them something to be proud of. More so you will have won over their hearts, and potentially, their consumerism as well. Furthermore, one big business that capitalizes on patriotic themes is country music. Fans of country music are considered to be the epitome of American Citizens. This is why musicians in this genre are always either singing about American freedom and rights, or displaying them throughout their music videos and merchandise. Country music is also a billion dollar industry. So, that alone, should correlate the financial benefits of using patriotic themes aimed at the veteran audience

Logo Design for Patriotic Themes
When deciding on logos to use in your marketed products, it is important to keep the common patriotic color schemes. The Red, White, and the Blues. The use of these colors will be the most recognizable way for your consumers to identify with your patriotic theme. Take Google for instance. Sometimes when you land on Google’s home search page. You will notice that they have redesigned their signature logo to be themed based off the current day. Perhaps on what is happening for the month. They are known to redesign their theme to reflect red, white and blue. Along with other symbols, utilizing patriotic themes. Changing up their current, iconic logo shows consumers that they, too, can step out of the ordinary. Relating to them on a personal level. Patriotic logo design portfolio
Symbols and patriotic branding
You should also include specific symbols of patriotism. This would be common things such as the American Flag. Perhaps the Statue of Liberty, a Bald Eagle or the Great Seal. These symbols represent the value behind freedom and rights of the American citizen. So, it only makes sense that when marketing a patriotic theme, these be included. Whether it be a variation of these symbols or their original structures. Adding them would make your marketing piece that much more relatable.
One big concept to consider when creating a logo is building it around the American Dream. Citizens have financial and social freedom. They are able to pursue their deemed happiness and a logo that you use to encompass this would greatly increase your level of engagement from your customers. Many banks use the symbol of the American Flag to illustrate that they value the freedom of your financial choices. Bank of America not only uses an American Flag in their logo, but they use the name America itself to appeal to consumers . “We are the bank that Americans trust and so should you”.
Social Media and branding
Social media is a great and easy way to share your content on patriotism. You can get your audience and followers to engage with your content when they like and share it on their own pages. Especially on patriotic holidays, you can send out content wishing them a “Happy Independence Day.” This statement and any associated images will convey to your audience that you care about your loyalty to their country.
At this point, you should already have a good email list that updates your customers about upcoming events. Along with those emails, you may send out patriotic themed electronic campaigns. Highlighting your appreciation for veterans or current military personnel. Via social media, you can also create a clever hashtag to begin a trend through Instagram or Twitter. Your hashtag can be anywhere from #AmericaTheBeautfiul or #LaborDaySale. Be sure the hashtag reveals your theme and purpose.
Conclusion for patriotic themed marketing
Patriotism is a big deal, especially in the United States of America (wikipedia). Those who display patriotism are deemed to be proud and loyal to their country. It is also something that is linked towards supporting our retired and active duty first responders such as military, police officers, firefighters and more. It has become a modern staple and more businesses should capitalize on the success behind using patriotism as a tool for marketing and branding.