We Can Rebuild Him! Starting Your Own Renovation Construction Company

So you want to start your own renovation construction company? You may like working in construction, but what if you want to be our own boss? Creating your own renovation construction company can offer you everything you want in a job, but you will have to put in some hard work to get it established.

There will be important steps you need to take when hiring a construction crew. You will also need to take the time to decide on a profitable marketing plan and successful branding plan. With your plans in hand, nobody will be able to stop you!

What is A Renovation Construction Company

Renovation construction covers a variety of job sizes. In your construction company, you may be interested in all types of work, from renovating homes to contracting long-term commercial jobs. You could also choose to work larger jobs that take more time. These types of jobs may include constructing foundations of public buildings. This will also mean you have to hire and contract plumbers and electricians.

On the other hand, you may want to stick to short-term jobs, such as renovating homes. These types of construction jobs will be more cosmetic, and you’ll have to seek out new clients more frequently. However, you may also be able to charge more money for your construction work.

Hiring a Team

No matter what size of renovation you want to do, you will need to hire a team of people for your construction company. You may need several construction workers that can operate machinery and have specific skill sets. Don’t forget to hire employees to assist in running your office. You will need employees that can answer the phone, schedule work, and help in billing. You can’t run your construction company by yourself, after all.

To have a successful construction company, you will need the proper licenses and certifications to operate legally. Before opening shop, research the local laws of your area. Also, find out what types of education levels your crew will need to have. There are many resources online where you

Two men looking at a plan for a construction renovation company.


Marketing Your Construction Renovation Company

To advertise your renovation construction company, you will need to get creative. You may consider taking to the internet. Paying to push ads online is one way to spread the word about your company. However, a lot of construction companies use more traditional forms of marketing media. Consider advertising your construction company on billboards or signs posted in public areas. Vehicles are also another fantastic way to make your company’s name visible. Advertisements on buses, trucks, and taxis are all viable means. Other traditional ways of advertising include purchasing ad space in magazines, newspapers, and other types of print.


Solid construction renovation company colors with orange, yellow, and red


There are many, many renovation construction companies that will be competing with you. You need to stand out from the crowd. Create a construction logo that is eye-catching and easy to recognize. Think about colors that are often associated with construction. Orange, yellow, and red would be attention-grabbing colors that would look good in your logo. Your imagery should have the same affect. A picture or symbol that is associated with construction will tell clients right away what they can expect from your company. Transparency in logo design is a good read for more info. Check out the history of the Skanska logo to better understand the expert way of thinking when it comes to branding. 


Finally, your work is your best marketing tool! The best example you can show to bring in new clients is the completed renovation your construction company has done. Whether you’ve worked on private or public property, ask the owner if you can post a small sign on the front of the property. A lawn sign will state that the renovation was completed by your construction company. Lawn signs are a wonderful way to attract local business.


Branding Your Renovation Company

Branding your renovation construction company will include emitting a professional and friendly service, as well as standing out from your competition. These two factors will attract clients, but they will also keep existing clients for future or renewed contracts.


It may be no surprise that the stereotypical construction company is viewed as a little standoffish when it comes to behavior in public. Ideally, your company will break this stereotype. Put your team of employees through training on interacting with others. Your team of workers should be skilled in communicating effectively with others and having good listening abilities. This can also be applied to interacting amongst one another while on the job. Practicing teamwork is very important for a construction crew.


A handshake between two construction renovation company workers


To stand out from the competition, your construction company has to offer something your competitors have not. This could be a deal for first-time clients. Perhaps there is a small service you could offer for free or at a discounted price. If you have clients that are willing to sign a continuing contract, you could offer a special pricing or package deal. Of course, you professional and beautiful renovation work will be an aspect on its own to separate you from your competitors.


No Matter the Size

No matter what size jobs you choose to take on for your construction company, you will have both new clients and returning clients. In every business, it is always less expensive to keep retuning customers than to always get new ones. By combining your marketing and branding strategies, you want to ensure renewed contracts and returned clients. Some businesses need repeat renovation work over a period of time to renovate an entire building. For private homes, a realty company may hire your company to renovate a block of homes every time there is a flood. These are just examples, but seeking opportunities for repeat contracts will be the most profitable to you.



You can see that starting your own renovation construction company is no easy task. There will be a lot of planning to do before you can start contract work. Hiring a team of workers and properly training everyone will take most of your time. Then, you can focus on developing your marketing and branding plans. Choose traditional routes for advertising with some creative routes mixed in. Your construction logo will be an effective tool in marketing. Looking for ways to stand out from the competition will maintain your return clients in the long run! Check out the art of picking the right logo designer

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