Introduction – Holiday marketing
As the holiday season approaches, businesses are putting teams together that strategically come up with plans to target audiences effectively. The holiday season is known to be the time where consumers spend the most money out of any other season in the year. With that being said, there are quite a few brands out there that are ahead of this marketing game. They have strategic plans in place that place them at the top of our list.
Whether their goals were to raise awareness or sell their products and services, these businesses are ones that we feel are the top leaders in the marketing game. Here are some of the most notable brands that are doing it right and how you can follow suit.
1. REI – #OptOutside
During the holiday season, many people tend to spend a lot of time indoors. They are spending money in stores or it may be too cold outside for people to do a lot of activities. However, REI started a campaign where they asked people to opt outside by doing more activities rather than just having holiday parties or shopping entirely. As a company that promotes outdoor activities, this strategy was very clever to get more of their current and potential customers to participate in their business values.
2. Dollar Shave Club – Holiday Sets
Subscription services have already seen great success by providing convenience to consumers. They are able to receive products or services on a monthly basis and eliminating the tedious tasks of going to the store and deciding on choices. Holiday sets from the Dollar Shave Club are one of the ways that this brand is effectively targeting their audience. Holiday seasons can be very busy for people and they are unable to go out and buy everyday necessities for themselves. Plus, holiday sets can be gifted to others, which increases the convenience level even more.
3. Coca-Cola – Holiday Commercials and Peace on Earth
Nothing tugs at the heartstrings of a customer more than campaigns that target sentimental emotions. Every year, Coca-Cola runs commercials, print ads, social media posts, etc. around the concept of Peace on Earth. Santa Claus is one of the main characters who go around the world spreading holiday cheer and peace. Animals that typically fight are all of sudden, getting along. Coca-Cola is smart with this plan because they promote togetherness for the holiday season. From the customer’s perspective, they see a company who cares more about bringing people together, rather than just making a quick buck for the holiday season.
4. Samsung Virtual Reality Holiday marketing – Unwrap Your Feels
Another company that is smart about engaging with consumers with an emotional component is that of Samsung and their launch of virtual reality goggles. Flexible brand names Their commercials were centered around families sitting by their Christmas trees and opening up presents. These presents revealed the new Samsung Virtual Reality Goggles. Whether young or old, consumers would have fun playing with these gadgets in their homes with loved ones. This strategy was great for them trying to promote family time and the holiday season. The “Unwrap Your Feels” slogan behind it was just the cherry on top. They really wanted to touch into people’s emotions and how important it was to spend time with their families during the holiday season.
5. Google – Santa Tracking System
Google is a major brand all by itself. This search engine giant has been innovative in the marketing industry for many years. So, it only makes sense that any campaigns they run in the holiday season are just a major and big. They put together a system that allows people to track Santa Claus during the season. All consumers can greatly benefit from this because it brings the cheer of holiday seasons and traditions. Children can actively engage with the tracker and see when Santa is visiting their homes. Teachers can use it as an educational tool in their classrooms. The possibilities are endless and Google has certainly maintained their highest expectations as a business giant.
6. Spotify Holiday marketing – Potluck Playlists
As the holiday season approaches, you can expect there to be a slew of holiday parties from friends and businesses. To capitalize on this, Spotify created a ton of potluck playlists for these parties. Instead of having music listeners create their own lists, Spotify strategically created playlists including the most popular songs for the holiday season. Just like the subscription service, having these playlists ready for listeners takes away the tedious task of them needing to create one for themselves. They also choose music that brings back nostalgia for many people, which is another engaging component to promoting the playlists. Read more on branding and the human brain
7. H&M – Fashion Pathway
H&M is a big fashion brand that has made waves through the marketing business world. They have launched several campaigns with celebrities, environmental awareness groups and big designers. These campaigns are what made H&M one of the top fashion brands, hands down. So, these business leaders know that the holiday season can be one that is stressful for many consumers. To help offset this stress, H&M launched a fashion pathway marketing campaign to where they show people how to shop and what to look for in putting together an outfit. The idea behind this was to take away the guessing that comes with shopping. They also provide great insight as to what is trending and holiday gift ideas. H&M’s method is truly catering to the market of consumers and their holiday shopping needs.
Conclusion in Holiday marketing
The holiday season is definitely the most popular season for all businesses to market and brand their products and services. However, without strategic planning, it can become very easy for businesses to fail at their marketing strategies. Before you embark on your holiday marketing campaign, be sure to check out these big brands that really know how to do the holidays right. You can take a few pages out of their books and use them for your own business strategies. Perhaps start with a festive design look. Soon, you may even see your business be a part of these top lists and leading marketers in the industry.