Case Study For A Medical Logo

Medical Logo For Beacon of Light Advocacy Group

A lighthouse in white with a red cross. The circular logo is the end result of this case study for a medical logo. The company is called Beacon Of Light

This case study for a medical logo is an interesting one. Most of all because, this time I would like to talk about a logo that I admire. This cause is in fact admirable and the outcome is noble. The customer filled out a very comprehensive medical logo design brief telling us all about the Beacon of Light Advocacy Group. Just the name itself made me interested in their cause. Lets’ dive into this case study. 

The Customers Medical Logo Brief

So, first the customer (let’s call her Kelly)  filled out the medical logo brief where she gave the following information about the company and what they stand for.


To the question describe your company and what it does, she answered the following:  


“Beacon of Light Advocacy Group. We are 4 nurses in Charleston SC starting a patient advocacy group for clients with complex medical needs or without family to aid in decision making.


“Our tagline or tag intro….”Don’t get marooned on an island of indecision, misunderstanding or regret. Let us help you chart your course to a better outcome.”


Our mission statement. Partnering with individuals and families in need of compassion, advocacy and guidance in making informed decisions.


“Our beliefs:

  • 1. We believe all people seeking healthcare are entitled to make informed decisions.
  • 2. We believe everyone is entitled to ask the questions and question the answers.
  • 3. Navigating healthcare shouldn’t just be for the experts, and our goal is to empower clients and families to feel confident in their decisions.”

As you can see, this medical logo brief gave us a very clear insight into what the company was all about and gave us a great start. Not all customers are this detailed and that is fine too of course. Do take a look at more medical graphic designs in our portfolio. 

 Who are your customers and your competitors

An important question to ask yourself is who are your customers. In this case study for a medical logo, the information was very precise and helpful.

The answer was: Customers would currently be private adult individuals, both male and female needing healthcare advocacy. We would like to be able to share information with healthcare businesses also.

On the other hand,”our competitors would be considered insurance company advocates that work with patients to benefit their own interests. This would go for hospitals or healthcare offices to meet their own financial interest. Our goal would be to advocate for the patient and help guide them to make sure their interests and decisions are kept at the forefront.”

Medical Logo Brief Information about Name, Preferred Design Style And Feel

Now the customer explained the exact name that they desired to see. That is to say Beacon of Light Advocacy Group. Secondly they continued with the overall feel. This is for a lot of people a very tricky question. The overall feel should be, artsy, contemporary and corporate.


Kelly asked if it was possible to be both corporate and artsy. Of course that is possible, as long as you know what you like what is corporate and artsy to you. Then anything is possible. Furthermore she wanted to ” just want it to capture the heart of our business.”

Case Study Color Font Information

To the question of colors and font, this case study for a medical logo did not have a lot to go on. Just unlimited colors and font. However with a lot of background information then this should not be a problem either. 


The last questions in this medical logo brief is how many applications you have in mind for you logo and in this case, initially business cards, website design, social medial presence, etc.

Initial Logo Concepts Made For A Medical Logo

Below you can find the four initial logo designs that I have included in this case study for a medical logo. This was a good starting point for this project. The designers did well in interpreting the brief. 

Three nurses in blue uniforms. Circular logo as a result of the medical logo brief
The lighthouse with a red cross. A light is coming out of the lighthouse
A green logo with the white silhouette of a nurse. An example in the case study for a medical logo
Simple design with a heart instead of the letter O in beacon. One example of a design in a case study for a medical logo

The customer reacted by saying:


We like design concept Harrison. To explain, it is the design with the lighthouse. We give all our designers different names to go by. You might have noticed that they are all names of American presidents


There are two things we would like to consider:

  • 1. Is is possible to lighten the navy to a lighter blue. Maybe more of a “bahama blue”
  • 2. One of my teammates suggested trying a different font like chantelli antiqua. She thought the current font could use a little updating.
  • 3. Can we have a side by side of the original one and the one with a lighter blue to compare.

Logo Revision Number 1

So, we changed the color to light blue and we changed the fonts so that they could compare the two designs made by Harrison. 

The beacon of light design with a new font
Harrison 2 revision with a different font for the beacon of light. Part of the case study for a medical logo

Revision Harrison 2a is our choice, which is the first design. Although Kelly needed a little more changes:


“1 last change to the logo.

The font on Beacon of Light is good and we like it bolded. Can you unbold the word “of” and just leave Beacon and Light bolded and in the chantelli antiqua font.”

Logo Revision Number 2

Beacon of light with a light blue font. Revision as a result of the medical logo brief

The final comment and final decisions came on and it was a wrap:


“This is it!! We love it and feel like it represents what we want our company to be!”

Last Thoughts

I am always delighted when customers love their health care logo and that is why I wanted to write this case study for a medical logo.  There are many Beacons of Hope campaigns and people trying to make this a better world and that is so honourable. Most of all, you need to love your brand and logo. After all, your goal is to keep it and be proud of if for along time. Right? Next week lets take a closer look at a study for a food logo. Last week we wrote a study for a tradesman logo so read that one if you need more inpspiration on how a logo is born if designed by us. 

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