Eureka! How to Sell Clever Logo Designs

First of all, if you have an artistic side, selling clever logo designs may be a profitable business for you! As our know, running your own design business comes with many perks. Most importantly, you will be your own boss. Choosing  your working hours and the types of clients you work with. Fantastic, don’t you think?

To have a successful logo design business, you will need to develop a strategy for marketing and branding yourself. Don’t sweat it, though. Follow the guidelines below, and the ideas will come flowing to you like a pen on paper!

What’s in a Clever Logo?

Logos are often very concise and strategically designed images. They can be simplistic and easy on the eye, or they can be full of color and plenty of things to attract attention. No matter the size or colors used, every logo takes hours of work to complete. There is much more involved in designing a clever logo than putting pen to paper. First, you will have to consult with your client on what they’re looking for. They may have some ideas in mind already, or you may have to work from the ground up on designing the logo. Next, you’ll likely have to draw and create multiple sketched of the logo. There will be a lot of back-and-forth with your client as you discuss what should or should not be included in the logo. Then, the final concept will need to be designed and delivered to the client.

A Certain Skill Set to Create Clever Designs

Above all, to create a clever logo, you will need a certain set of skills and specific software. For example, TLC portfolio with many clever designs. Also, you must be artistically inclined. Therefore, a steady hand and a lot of practice are important here. You may even have a particular style that you are known for in your logo design. Are you good at drawing cartoon characters? Is architecture easier for you to design? Perhaps you have a flair for color combinations. After all, you must also be creative enough to design clever logos that effectively portray a business’s idea. For instance, there are many software programs for designing clever logo designs. You will have to invest in one or multiple of these to run a successful clever logo design business.

A hand drawing on an iPad. Illustrating clever logo designs in the making.

Importantly, I know that education level can vary for logo designers. Of course you may pursue a degree in digital art, but you will have to educate yourself on starting a business. On the other hand, you may pursue a degree in business or marketing, and you can let your creative side flourish naturally. I know which one I think is best. 

Branding Strategies for Businesses

It may sound silly, but you create your brand for a logo business! What would a design business be without its own attention-grabbing logo perhaps a caricature style? You can use this opportunity to show clients what type of art you create or your personal style.

Choosing Your Edge or Niche for Your Clever Designs Business

Ask yourself what “clever logo designs” means to you. Is there a certain edge in your logo designs that separates you from any competition? By “clever,” does this mean you have a comedic side to your work? Perhaps, you are known for whipping out thoughtful and original ideas at a record pace. Branding yourself as a logo designer means you will have to be able to answer clients when they ask you what that means.

For instance, the final way to brand your business is to have a heavy focus on communication. As mentioned above, you will have a lot of back-and-forth with your clients. Above all, your clients are trusting you with a very important part of their growing business. Therefore, you must keep an open line of communication as often as possible. This way, clients can come to you with questions or concerns at any time. However, you must also be prepared to listen to criticism. Difficult as it might be, as a client may not agree will all your ideas, and you need to be willing to deliver what the client wants.

Marketing Strategies for Clever Designs Businesses

For instance, you may want to choose a target market for your clever logo business. Is there a certain industry that you believe you are very good at creating logos for? After all, you may have a special niche for your designs. Perhaps, if you don’t want to focus on a single industry, you may have a certain clientele that you work best with. You may want to target new businesses or entrepreneurs that are building their empire. On another side, you may want to target older companies that need new life breathed into them with an updated logo. Most importantly, selecting a target market will make it easier to market your  business.

Clever logo designs businesses need to understand their market and be excessively creative like this clever logo that says DESIGN in the middle of the circular shaped graphic

Designing Services

Another way to effectively market your company is by breaking up your services. Simply offering to make clever logo designs for a client may actually make you miss out on some business opportunities. Some clients may only be in search of consulting. Maybe, a client already has a unique logo, and they only want it updated. However, many clients will be seeking you out to design a clever logo from scratch.

Finally, make sure you utilize your online tools to market your design business. Above all, use social media to promote your work. Using Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to advertise your business is a good idea. Use Instagram to post images, videos, reels and stories of your work and creative art! Perhaps, you can also create a website. After all, a website for your clever logo design business is a great tool for contacting you or contacting your clients. Displaying a list of services your offer as well.

Conclusion in running a clever logo designs business

A last few words, running a clever logo design business is a great way to let your artistic side branch out. For instance, you can be very successful if you have a strategic marketing plan and branding plan. I recommend this blog to get going with your ideas Shopify how to start a business   By defining what “clever logo design” means to you, and applying that to your work, you can attract a lot of attention. Please, make sure you have the right education and all the tools you need to run a successful business. Remember that there will be some money and time investments involved. However, putting in the work will definitely pay off for you.

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