It’s All Online: Starting and Marketing Your Blog

Blog writing is really important and excellent if you want to market your business. Despite the proliferation of blogs, they are considered a good way to make a living. As long as you have the right amount of followers and can find some sponsors. There are also programs like Google that provide ads and pay a small amount based on the number of clicks. Basically, there are many ways to make a living as a blogger or influencer. As long as you start off your blog writing properly and update it regularly. Here are several ways to make that happen.

Picking the Right Type of Blog


In order to be successful as a blogger, you need to choose the right niche. However, you shouldn’t just go off of what popular bloggers do. Above all, you have to be true to yourself. For example, just because a popular craft blogger is in the headlines for making a good living if you aren’t a crafter and cannot handle making scrapbook pages or Popsicle stick creations, then craft blogging isn’t for you. Furthermore, you also need to keep an eye out for market saturation when marketing your blog. If there are too many bloggers in a particular niche, then you won’t be able to have the right kind of marketable impact. So, you need to ask yourself a series of questions before you get started.


These include: what am I good at? Another question might be, is there a topic or subject that I’m passionate about? Perhaps, you have the time required to turn a hobby into a successful blog writing? Most of all, is there a certain niche, like this articles from Ekhartyoga that I can handle that isn’t on the internet already? Where does my expertise lie? Once you’ve determined the topic of your blog and are convinced that you can be successful and that you will be able to market your blog properly, the next step is to set up your online space.


Blog writing is simple once you get the hang of it. A scene where you can see the word blog written in big letters.


Designing And Marketing Your Blog

This is the tricky part. However, there are several different blogging platforms. Let’s take the most popular one of these WordPress. With that said, there are two different forms of WordPress. First, the free version and the one that requires you pay for a hosting plan. Each has a number of pros and cons, so they should be carefully weighed before you pick one.


Once you have a hosting plan set up, you need to pick a domain name that reflects the title of your blog. For instance, you can be somewhat clever and choose a name that’s a pun, or one based on your specific niche. Also, your name, city, or some local term can work as well. It all depends on your topic. Some are more conducive to location-based names than others. With that said, feel free to get creative.


Pick a catchy blog writing name that people remember 

Firs of all, your blog writing name is what you’ll be known by, so you need something that you are confident about. Once you have a blog name, the next step involves creating a logo. Your blog’s logo will be displayed prominently on your blog and all related publications. Furthermore, it also should be placed on your business cards and other marketing items. It should be easily reproducible online, as well as offline. Keep this in mind when you’re designing it.


You can also include elements of your blog title in your logo. For example, if you have book review blog, then you should have some books or a literary font in your logo. As you understand, the sky is really the limit when it comes to designing your logo, so feel free to be somewhat creative.


Market your blog with a good domain name, or customized URL

Most importantly, the domain name, or customized URL, is next. Understandably, this should be as close to your blog writing name as possible. After all, it needs to go on your business cards alongside your name and your blog logo.


Spreading the Word

Okay, your blog is set up, and you have a well-designed logo in place. Of course, you also have a hosting plan (or are using the free version of WordPress.) Furthermore, your URL has been ordered, and you chose a blog theme. Now, it’s time to turn yourself into an expert blog writer on your chosen topic.


Don’t forget you can start by filling in all of the sections of your blog, notably your biography/about me section. This is where you place your credentials. For instance, you can also include some basic information about yourself since people like to know more about whose blog they are reading. If your readers feel like they know you, then they’ll be more likely to read everything that you write and sign up for your email list or follow you in Instagram. Every detail that you include counts, particularly if you choose a topic that requires some education.


Make sure you add internal and external links to market your blog

For example, a blog about local history that’s written by a trained historian will have more clout than one written by a person who really has no training. With that said, the amount of information that you include in your posts matters, whether or not you really have any training. After your basic blog information is set up, you need to make sure that you post regularly.  


Most importantly, you need to add links to your blog writing. Do only link to quality sites of interest and make sure the link flows naturally into the text. Above all it is crucial that you add value with these link, not spam. The anchor text needs to make sense and the keywords has to be related to the text. Every section counts. Furthermore to answer questions is an excellent way of marketing your blog and attracting followers. I recommend not using too long sentences and always, always write about stuff you find interesting yourself as it is hard to market your blog if you do not care.


Monetizing blog writing 

You can also sign up to be an affiliate, which means that you receive money when someone clicks on one of your links and buys a product. There are numerous other ones as well. Monetizing a blog is big business these days. However, many of these networks and programs require a blog that is somewhat established, so you’ll have to be in “business” so to speak, for at least 90 days to six months before you can apply. It all depends on the program, and some are stricter than others. There are also programs like Patreon, where your readers pledge to give you a specific amount of money per post or month.


Wrapping Up


Running a successful blog isn’t always easy. You’ll have to take photos, edit them, and create the written content to go with them. However, if you are an expert in your field and have the right blog name and logo in place, you should be able to monetize your blog fairly easily. It just takes some time and dedication. For more inspiration on blog design ideas.

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